Hospice Care: Is It Time To Call? What Should You Do?

One of the most difficult decisions you will have to make is when to contact hospice care for services for your parent. Hospice has many advantages that are important to you and your family and choosing the right time to call for help could impact which services are available to you. Here are some guidelines on determining when is the appropriate time to seek help and what to do when it is time. [Read More]

Underlying Dangers Lurking In Daycare

If you place your child in a daycare facility, you're probably aware of the most common threats to his or her health and safety. Besides everyday perils such as germs and infection, there may be less obvious threats lurking behind the closed doors of child care. From bedbugs to nap mats, there are underlying dangers to consider.  The Hidden Danger of Bedbugs Bedbugs have made a resurgence in most North American states, and your child's daycare facility could be a host to these unwanted visitors. [Read More]

Updating Personal Information In EHR: Medical Practice Legal Responsibilities

Medical practices in the United States must now follow strict regulations about the way they handle patient data. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) aims to protect the security and privacy of patient data held in computerized systems and electronic health records (EHR). If your medical practice stores patient information electronically, patients will often need to update or delete their personal details. Learn more about the rules that relate to changes to patient data, and what you need to do to comply with HIPAA legislation. [Read More]

How To Treat Your Pregnancy-Induced Acne

If you are currently pregnant, you may have already gotten compliments on your new natural glow. Unfortunately, the hormonal spikes that come with pregnancy can also cause a major increase in oil production and changes in your skin chemistry, often resulting in acne flare-ups. In addition, many women who rely on hormonal birth control to keep their acne at bay may notice a sudden breakout once this birth control is no longer necessary. [Read More]