Can Bodybuilding Supplements Harm Your Teeth?

You've been working out and lifting weights for a while, and you want to take your efforts to the next step. You've researched different protein supplements that can help build muscle and are considering adding one to your diet. But did you know that many supplements contain a lot of sugar? Given that you're working on becoming more healthy and strong, you likely wouldn't drink the same amount of sugar-filled soda or eat candy regularly. [Read More]

Undergoing Kyphoplasty for a Damaged Vertabrae

Does it feel like something is broken in your back because you are always in pain? If you tripped and fractured your vertebrae when hitting the ground, for example, an orthopedic surgeon may be able to relieve the pain by performing a medical procedure that is called kyphoplasty. Discover below what goes on during the kyphoplasty procedure so you will know what to expect. How Does the Doctor Decide If I Need Kyphoplasty? [Read More]

Physical Rehabilitation: Why It Is Good For Treating Back Spasms

Are you experiencing a lot of back pain after getting tackled during a football game? Your pain may be the result of muscle spasms, and a physical therapist has the skills to give you relief using natural treatment techniques. Find out in this article what you should know about going through physical rehabilitation for back pain.  Why Should Physical Rehabilitation Be Considered for Back Spasms? Muscle spasms are not only painful, but they can interfere with how well you are able to play during football games. [Read More]

How Genetic Testing Can Help An Anxious Mother-To-Be Handle Her Pregnancy

While giving birth is meant to be one of the most incredible experiences of a woman's life, not everybody feels excited early on in their pregnancy or even throughout their pregnancy. Some people who are chronically anxious or worried feel as if they cannot relax because they worry so intensely about all of the problems that could occur during the pregnancy or with the baby in general. Every mother has such qualms at some point, but those mothers who are chronically anxious may need further reassurances about their health and that of their child than others. [Read More]