The Healing Powers Of Fido And Fifi: 3 Benefits Of Using Dogs In The Physical Therapy Setting

One of the most heartwarming developments in physical therapy is the use of companion and assistance dogs to help patients recover. Dogs can assist in various ways, acting as emotional-therapy dogs, PTSD-assistance canines and seeing-eye dogs. Today, these furry friends are helping injured and post-surgical patients who are undergoing exercise and range-of-motion treatments for their recovery. Here are some of the benefits to patients: The smallest patients may be less fearful with a pup around [Read More]

3 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Eye Discomfort

If you are dealing with itchy, burning eyes, you might be wondering what is causing the problem and what you can do to treat it. The treatment completely depends on the reason for the itchy eyes. Here are some reasons you might have eye discomfort and what you can do to treat the problem. 1. Allergies One of the most common reasons for eye discomfort is allergies, especially seasonal allergies. If you are allergic to pollen, some kind of plant, or even pets, you will notice that your eyes hurt and itch when you are around your allergen. [Read More]

Tips for Caring for a Parent with Dementia

Taking care of an elderly parent who is suffering from dementia can be difficult. It can even be overwhelming. The day-to-day care of your parent can sometimes leave you burned out, and this can impact your ability to care for him or her. If you are planning to care for your parent, here are some tips for providing the help he or she needs. Discuss Financial and Legal Issues If your parent is in the early stages of dementia, now is the time to talk about his or her financial and legal issues. [Read More]

How To Get Your Allergy Symptoms Under Control

If you seem to have itchy eyes and respiratory irritation every spring, you might have an allergy. You can develop allergies at any age, so you shouldn't discount the possibility of having an allergy just because your symptoms start later in life. You can develop an allergy to just about anything, such as pet dander, pollen, and food. If your symptoms are bothersome, or seem to be getting worse, you should see an allergist for testing and treatment. [Read More]