
Celebrate Your 50th Birthday with a Doctor's Appointment

The big day is near: you're about to turn fifty. You and your friends and family are planning a celebration for this milestone, but it's also a good time to take stock of your health. You've reached an age where your body will experience some changes. Learn how to prevent the following health issues from spoiling your birthday celebration. Colon Cancer The American Cancer Society recommends getting a colonoscopy starting at age 50 and on a regular basis as you age.

Get Goofy: 5 Health Reasons Adults Need To Play And Loosen Up More

Some adults tend to think that they shouldn't goof around and let go because they are adults. However, there are numerous health reasons that research backs that say you should release your inner child more frequently. Loosening up and having fun can improve your productivity, happiness and health. Read on to learn more: 1. Beat Stress with Loads of Laughter. Science seems to believe that a good laugh every now and then can help reduce your stress levels.

4 Tips For A Smooth Recovery From ACL Surgery

Your knee is made up of several ligaments, which are needed for your knee to function properly. In sports, it is not uncommon for athletes to damage these ligaments. If you tear your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), you will need to have surgery to repair it. Use the following tips for a smooth recovery from the injury and the surgery: Give Yourself Time to Rest Many people can bear some weight on their surgically repaired knee after surgery, but it is important not to push yourself.

Just Diagnosed With Eczema? Natural Ways To Deal With The Itch

Eczema can occur on only a small area of skin or it can cover a much larger area. No matter how large it is, it can cause intense itching, sores that ooze and then crust over, and more. Even though you have been diagnosed with eczema, you do not have to let it take control over your life. Below are some tips to help you deal with your itching skin:

Psych Yourself Up For A Successful Recovery From Knee Surgery

The technical part of your knee replacement surgery is over and your doctor said that everything went well. Now it's up to you. Successful recovery from any knee surgery takes time and effort to build up those knee muscles slowly. Steady, incremental progress is important and setbacks can take weeks to recover from. Here is how to get your mind focused on restoring the natural function of your knee. 1. Don't Rush - Develop Patience

3 Things You Can Do To Try And Make Your Acne Treatment As Successful As Possible

When going through any type of acne treatment, it is important that you do all that you can on your end to take care of your skin. Your dermatologist has prescribed a treatment that is going to work best with your skin type and your acne situation, but if you want to see the desired results, you need to do all that you can to help your skin. This article will discuss 3 things that you can do to try and make your acne treatment as successful as possible.

Looking For Allergy Relief? Try Inhaling Essential Oils

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and cannot find relief from the medicine you take, it might be time to try something different. Essential oils are natural oils that are made from trees, leaves, and flowers, and they can be used to treat allergy symptoms. There are numerous types of oils you can use for this purpose, and here is one method that works well for using essential oils for allergy relief.

Natural Alternatives For Bad Breath

If you have noticed a pungent odor coming from your mouth every time you speak, cough or eat, you may be suffering from a bad breath problem. Halitosis is an ailment that can attack anyone when they have an underlying problem with their teeth. There are many methods you can use from within the confines of your own home in order to help attack smelly breath. Fight Stench With Saliva

Some Helpful Information About Dental Implants

Many people get dental implants. You can get implants for a variety of reasons. It is not just older people who get a dental implant, even younger adults might have the need for a dental implant. The important thing is that if you are thinking of dental implants that you understand what they are and how to care for them. Here are a couple things you need to know about dental implants.

5 Steps To Faster Recovery From Total Knee Surgery

Your arthritis has made your knee so painful that you can't walk. Now you're preparing for a total knee joint replacement and are excited about the prospect of walking again without pain. The knee replacement procedure that the orthopedic surgeon does is only half of the battle. Recovery from knee surgery takes months, and you'll be working hard during that time to get your knee back to normal. Here are some tips to get you through the recovery faster and with better results.