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Just Diagnosed With Eczema? Natural Ways To Deal With The Itch

Eczema can occur on only a small area of skin or it can cover a much larger area. No matter how large it is, it can cause intense itching, sores that ooze and then crust over, and more. Even though you have been diagnosed with eczema, you do not have to let it take control over your life.

Below are some tips to help you deal with your itching skin:

The Itch

Dried out skin is itchy on anyone, but especially people with eczema, so moisturizing is important. Your doctor will likely prescribe you a cream to put on your skin. There are also natural ways you can help with the itching including:


If you do not like to touch your skin, purchase a bar of beeswax, grate it up, and add enough olive oil to give it a smooth consistency. Pour the mixture into an empty deodorant stick. Let it sit overnight to let it harden. You can apply it anywhere you need without touching your skin. The olive oil moisturizes your skin, and the bees wax is a protectant that will lock in the moisture keeping your skin moisturized for longer periods.


Colloidal oatmeal can help relieve dry itchy skin. Purchase an oatmeal bath mix to put into your bath. You can find this mix at most drug stores. Follow the directions on the packaging on how to use it, and then soak in the tub for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. When you are finished, pat your skin to dry it off, and then apply moisturizer immediately.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents, and works as an antiseptic to help relieve dry itchy skin. Put a few drops of the vinegar onto a washcloth or a cotton ball, and then dab it onto your itchy skin. You can do this a few times a day to keep the itching at bay.

If you find that you scratch your itchy skin at night, purchase a pair of light cotton gloves to wear while you are sleeping. Even those the natural ways above can help you with your itching, the best thing to do is to talk with your doctor. He or she can prescribe you oral medication and topical medications to keep the itch away. The doctor can also perform allergy tests to see if you have allergies that are exacerbating your symptoms.

To learn more, contact a company like Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center PS with any questions you have.
