Diabetic Foot Care: When You Should Stop Treating Your Own Feet And Let An Orthopedic Specialist Do It
Although you may have been taking care of your own feet up to the point that you were diagnosed with diabetes, the fact remains that you now require very special foot care to keep your feet and toes healthy. There are many reasons why you need to stop clipping your own toenails and see an orthopedic specialist. All of them are related to your diabetes.
Decreased Circulation Equals Increased Infection
Aquatic Therapy Helps You Live With Severe Nerve Damage Conditions
Despite what many people may believe, nerve damage is actually pretty common. In fact, over 20 million individuals in America suffer from the nerve condition known as peripheral neuropathy at some point in their lives. Read on to learn more about this condition and how aquatic physical therapy can help alleviate the painful symptoms.
What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?
This specific condition can be caused by serious damage to the body's peripheral nervous system, which is part of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and sends signals throughout your body.
Do Not Let Contact Lenses Keep You From Enjoying A Great Camping Trip
Exploring and enjoying the great outdoors is an experience that many could not live without. Unfortunately, camping can be a little more difficult for those who wear contact lenses. Do you wear contact lenses and enjoy spending your summer nights under the open skies? Here, you will learn how to enjoy camping without putting the health of your eyes at risk by wearing and handling your contact lenses safely.
Pack the Right Supplies
What Services Chiropractors Provide
Many people wonder what services a chiropractor provides and if they are even considered a "real" doctor. Of course, it depends on what is meant by "real." Chiropractors attend school for the same amount of time that medical doctors do, so they have their doctorate. However, they do not hand out prescriptions for medications. This article discusses some chiropractic services and some of the advantages that come from visiting a chiropractor regularly.
Easy Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy
There is no body part more important than your heart. It is, quite literally, the center of your life, your body, and your health. Without a healthy heart, you cannot be healthy in general. Fortunately, there are many things you can do, in addition to your regular checkups and doctor visits, to keep your heart in tip-top shape.
Don't Smoke!
If you're not a smoker, then congratulations, your heart is already healthier than the hearts of those who indulge, even infrequently, in cigarettes.
Changing Your Body And Mind For A Positive, Enjoyable New Year
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Unfortunately, if you do not feel comfortable in your own skin or lack self-confidence, enjoying life can be difficult. With a near year quickly approaching, maybe it is time for you to begin thinking about what you can do this coming year to change the way you feel about your reflection and your inner-self. Here, you will learn a few things that you can do to make it easier to enjoy life to the fullest.
What You Need To Know About A 3D Ultrasound
It is common knowledge that expecting mothers get an ultrasound to check the development of the baby. These ultrasounds are very important because they can help with early detection of problems, inform the mother and doctor of the baby's growth, and can be fun for the parents as well. Many parents love to see their little baby growing inside the mother's body. Recently, there has been a lot of excitement about 3D ultrasounds.
Is Blinking Really Necessary? Here Is Your Answer
Human beings blink a lot. Statistics show that the average human being usually blinks at a rate of about 20 blinks per minute. This, and the fact that human body doesn't really entrust "blink-acts" to its voluntary systems, and that it is almost automatic, suggests that it is important. Question is, is it really as important as it seems?
While blinking might look like a mindless activity, it is not. As scientists have found out, blinking may just be the reason why you still have your eyesight.
Hospice Care: Is It Time To Call? What Should You Do?
One of the most difficult decisions you will have to make is when to contact hospice care for services for your parent. Hospice has many advantages that are important to you and your family and choosing the right time to call for help could impact which services are available to you. Here are some guidelines on determining when is the appropriate time to seek help and what to do when it is time.
Underlying Dangers Lurking In Daycare
If you place your child in a daycare facility, you're probably aware of the most common threats to his or her health and safety. Besides everyday perils such as germs and infection, there may be less obvious threats lurking behind the closed doors of child care. From bedbugs to nap mats, there are underlying dangers to consider.
The Hidden Danger of Bedbugs
Bedbugs have made a resurgence in most North American states, and your child's daycare facility could be a host to these unwanted visitors.