
There Are Two Common Kinds of Nebulizers

If you have just been diagnosed with asthma or COPD, your doctor may prescribe medication that can help you breathe but that you need to have a nebulizer to take. There are different kinds of nebulizers that you can choose from.  Nebulizer A nebulizer is a machine that turns the medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. Most nebulizers need to be plugged into the wall, but some smaller ones can run on batteries or be charged like a cell phone.

Three Tips To Help Reduce Your Claustrophobia During An MRI Scan

There are a number of different types of medical diagnostics that you may need to undergo. In particular, an MRI can be an extremely useful diagnostic procedure, but there are many individuals that will experience a severe sense of claustrophobia as a result of being in an MRI machine. If this is a problem that you experience, you may want to consider using the following few tips to help you better control your sense of claustrophobia.

Expecting With Varicose Veins? Diminish The Appearance Of These Ugly Blue Lines With These Remedies

A swollen belly and a baby on the way means you have all kinds of new pressure and pains on your legs. Along with this change in your size and stature during pregnancy, those ugly blue veins will often come creeping along, which can make you feel self-conscious about wearing anything that bares your legs. While seeking professional advice for your varicose-vein problems during pregnancy is always the best thing to do, as there may be treatments that can help, there are also a handful of things you can do at home to slightly diminish the appearance of these creepy and unattractive eyesores.

Ease Your Child's Anxiety Before An Eye Exam By Role Playing

When your child turns three, it's time to start thinking about eye exams. Between ages three and four, a child's eyes are fully developed and finished growing, so your eye doctor should be able to tell if your child is having vision problems. Also, taking your child to the eye doctor at a young age, gives the doctor time to correct common issues, such as a lazy eye, before your child starts school.

The Healing Powers Of Fido And Fifi: 3 Benefits Of Using Dogs In The Physical Therapy Setting

One of the most heartwarming developments in physical therapy is the use of companion and assistance dogs to help patients recover. Dogs can assist in various ways, acting as emotional-therapy dogs, PTSD-assistance canines and seeing-eye dogs. Today, these furry friends are helping injured and post-surgical patients who are undergoing exercise and range-of-motion treatments for their recovery. Here are some of the benefits to patients: The smallest patients may be less fearful with a pup around

3 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Eye Discomfort

If you are dealing with itchy, burning eyes, you might be wondering what is causing the problem and what you can do to treat it. The treatment completely depends on the reason for the itchy eyes. Here are some reasons you might have eye discomfort and what you can do to treat the problem. 1. Allergies One of the most common reasons for eye discomfort is allergies, especially seasonal allergies. If you are allergic to pollen, some kind of plant, or even pets, you will notice that your eyes hurt and itch when you are around your allergen.

Tips for Caring for a Parent with Dementia

Taking care of an elderly parent who is suffering from dementia can be difficult. It can even be overwhelming. The day-to-day care of your parent can sometimes leave you burned out, and this can impact your ability to care for him or her. If you are planning to care for your parent, here are some tips for providing the help he or she needs. Discuss Financial and Legal Issues If your parent is in the early stages of dementia, now is the time to talk about his or her financial and legal issues.

How To Get Your Allergy Symptoms Under Control

If you seem to have itchy eyes and respiratory irritation every spring, you might have an allergy. You can develop allergies at any age, so you shouldn't discount the possibility of having an allergy just because your symptoms start later in life. You can develop an allergy to just about anything, such as pet dander, pollen, and food. If your symptoms are bothersome, or seem to be getting worse, you should see an allergist for testing and treatment.

How To Encourage Skin Renewal After You Have Had A Bad Reaction

Whether you have tried a product that didn't agree with your skin, or if you are having an allergic reaction to something that your skin has accidentally come into contact with, it can be difficult to deal with skin issues. During facial skin issues, you still may have to deal with your day-to-day responsibilities. If you want to encourage skin renewal to heal your issues quickly and evenly, here is a routine to start while you are dealing with skin problems.

Tips For Getting The Most From Your Physical Therapy After Knee Surgery

Once the surgical repair of the torn cartilage in your knee has been completed, a successful recovery depends on how well the physical therapy goes. Your physical therapy will last several months. How effective it is depends on how well you tolerate it and follow the instructions of your doctor and physical therapist. Here are some ways to make sure you're getting the most from your exercise sessions and speed along your recovery.