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Signs You Have An Ovarian Cyst That Burst And What You Should Do About It

One of the many health problems that you may have to deal with as a woman in your life is the issue of having ovarian cysts. Whether you are diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or you just have a single cyst on one of your ovaries, ovarian cysts do happen, and they happen often. While ovarian cysts are often nothing to worry about and cause little to no pain, there is an exception. Ovarian cysts can burst. Get to know some of the signs that you have an ovarian cyst that has burst and what you should do about it if and when it happens. Then, you can be sure you are prepared in case this situation ever happens to you. 

A Burst Cyst Can Cause Excruciating Pain

The biggest indicator that an ovarian cyst has burst is pain. Women who have had ovarian cysts burst often noticed the condition because they felt sudden and excruciating pain. Often, the pain is so severe that a woman will double over in pain or even pass out. The pain will generally originate from the side of the body that the cyst was located on, although the pain can radiate throughout the who pelvic area and abdomen. 

A Burst Cyst Can Cause Bleeding

Another common issue reported with a ruptured ovarian cyst is bleeding. Cysts that burst can cause vaginal bleeding much like a menstrual period. Sometimes, this symptom is very noticeable, but others the rupture will occur alongside a menstrual period and will be masked as a result. If you have unusual pain in the area of your ovary and your menstrual bleeding suddenly gets much heavier than usual, you should see a doctor or go to the hospital right away. Some ruptured cysts can cause severe bleeding that requires medical treatment. 

What to Do About a Burst Ovarian Cyst

When you notice signs that you might have a ruptured ovarian cyst, you should seek medical care as soon as possible. If your pain is severe, a doctor can give you prescription-strength pain medication to quickly relieve your discomfort. They can and likely will also perform an ultrasound to look at the ovary in question. If the cyst was particularly large or is causing a lot of fluid and blood drainage, you may require surgery to clear out the ruptured ovarian cyst. 

Other tests that a doctor may perform on you when you come in for a potential ruptured ovarian cyst include a pregnancy test, blood work, and a vaginal culture. The pregnancy test is to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, which requires emergency surgery. The blood work helps to rule out the possibility of cancer as well as to see if you are anemic as a result of the bleeding. Vaginal cultures can help to determine if you have any type of infection that could be responsible for your symptoms or if the ruptured cyst has led to an infection. 

Once the doctor has all of your test results, they will take action to correct the issues found. Of course, in an emergency situation, surgery will come first, and then the doctor will determine any other treatments that are necessary. Now that you know some of the signs you have a ruptured ovarian cyst and know what to do in the situation, you can be sure you take the best care of yourself and your health going forward. For more information, contact a medical office like Peninsula Community Health Services- Medical (Cottonwood).
