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3 Common Types Of Gynecological Cancer

Cancers that can deeply affect a woman's reproductive organs are not quite as common as other forms of cancer. In addition, if caught early, they can often times be effectively treated. However, regular trips to your gynecologist in order to be on the lookout for such cancers is still recommended. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few of the types of gynecological cancers that you can potentially contract.

Vulvar Cancer

Although a rare type of cancer, even by the standards of gynecological cancer, vulvar cancer is still something for which you should be on the lookout. Vulvar cancer affects the labia, or outermost layer of the vagina. What makes vulvar cancer much more difficult to pinpoint is the fact that symptoms do not usually accompany it. However, there are risk factors which make some women more vulnerable to vulvar cancer, such as an HPV infection or the presence of genital warts. Young women do not often contract vulvar cancer.

Endometrial Cancer

The inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, can become susceptible to cancer. In the United States, it is by far and away the most common type of gynecological cancer that a woman can contract. Luckily, early detection and treatment means that the vast majority of women that contract this form of cancer wind up beating it. The primary symptom that accompanies this form of cancer also contributes to its widespread early detection: abnormal bleeding. If you find yourself bleeding after menopause or an excess of breakthrough bleeding, it is highly recommended that you contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer can be a life-threatening phenomenon if it is not detected and treated early. A cancerous infection of the cervix is an incredibly dangerous issue. There are numerous causes of cervical cancer, and the vast majority of the causes are genetically inherited. However, there are also a number of indicators of issues that develop in tandem with cervical cancers, such as an HPV infection. Cervical cancer can also be exacerbated by a number of bad health-related habits, including habitually smoking. There are a wide array of tasks to which you can commit that can help detect the presence of cervical cancer at an early stage, such as submitting to a cervical cancer screening once every three years starting at 21.

Make sure that you make regular appointments with your trusted gynecologist like one from Central Iowa OB/Gyn Specialists, PLC in order to greatly increase your chances of catching gynecological cancers at an early stage.
