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2 Signs That Your Child Has An Food Allergy Or Intolerance

Many people have allergies. It is simply a part of life. Allergies and intoelrances can start at a very young age. Some infants start showing signs of being allergic to certain foods with their first exposure of the food. That is why it is so important that parent recognize some of the symptoms of an allergy or intolerance for children. Here are some of the symptoms that your child might have that you should be on the lookout for.

1. Diarrhea

If your child has intolerance to certain foods, they will have a hard time digesting it. This means that instead of throwing it up immediately, it might actually pass through their system, but it will be painful. If your child has an aversion or intolerance to a certain food, you might notice that they have diarrhea. A child should start having more solid stool after the first 6 months of life when they start solid foods. If the child is breastfed it might take longer. However, loose stool and diarrhea are different; loose stool is ok, diarrhea is not. 

Milk is one of the biggest causes for diarrhea in the child. The hard thing is that it may not cause the diarrhea right away. It could take up to a couple days to pass through the child's system. For this reason, as you start introducing dairy, be on the lookout for any changes in the child's bowels. If you notice a change, have the child tested, or at the very least take the child off dairy to avoid any discomfort.

2. Irritability

One symptom that many parents don't know about is irritability. Many children will eat a food that they have an aversion to because they like it, but then it will make them feel anxious and irritable because it is hard for their body to process. An older individual will be able to articulate that they feel scared, a sense of impending doom, or that they are having an anxiety attack. A young child will not be able to do so.

This is why when a child has an allergy to something like soy they could be incredibly irritable. Many parents report that the child was happy until they started solid foods, or changed formula, and then they cried excessively. If you notice a change in your child's behavior, try removing certain foods from their diet and see if they become any better.

By recognizing the lesser-known symptoms of an allergy you can protect your child. Talk to places like Allergy Partners of Raleigh for more information.
